Advanced Directives
ND State Law on Advance Directives
Senate Bill 2343 of the North Dakota Century Code became Effective August 1, 2005. This bill combines the current living will statues and current durable power of attorney for healthcare directives into a single document called the Health Care Directive. SB 2343 also provides for a combined statutory healthcare directive form.
Individuals creating a Health Care Directive still have several options for appointments and stating wishes. One still can appoint and agent or provide a written statement of one’s wishes. In addition, one also has the option of appointing an agent and providing written statements about healthcare wish to assist in guiding the agent. The goal of this Health Care Directive is to create meaningful communication of one’s wishes with those who need to know it the most, in preparation of possible future loss of decision making capacity.
Any living wills or healthcare power of attorneys created prior to the passing of this bill will not be affected. In other words, any current directives will remain valid. If you are interested in completing one of the new Health Care Directives please stop by or call GaPS office anytime and we can assist you. Click here to download the Health Care Directive Form.
Standards of Practice

The National Guardianship Association has adopted standards that reflect as realistically as possible the best or highest quality of practice. Best practice may go beyond what a state law requires of a guardian. The National Guardianship Association (NGA) has sought to shape a mirror that practitioners and funders can use to evaluate their efforts. The standards also reflect the mandate that all guardians must perform in accordance with the current state law governing guardianships and certification of guardians.
For more information, please contact our national center:
National Guardianship Association
1604 North Country Club Ward
Tucson, AZZ 85716-3102
Phone: (520) 881-6561
TDD: (520) 326-2467
Fax: (520) 325-7925